5 Reasons Why You Should Migrate To SAP S/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA, the SAP ERP meant for large enterprises, was designed for the native SAP HANA platform. The idea was to create the SAP business suite using the in-memory database to increase the data handling capability of your organization along with improved efficiency and better planning abilities.

SAP has time and again mentioned the significant benefits of moving to this business suite. With SAP S/4HANA, businesses can overcome the complexities that are part of the SAP landscape. The added advantage is that it runs on the in-memory SAP HANA platform, which allows you to now compute large amounts of data with ease.

Why Migrate to SAP S/4HANA?

Despite all the apparent benefits, the question remains: What is the value addition of the platform to your businesses. Here are the top reasons why moving to SAP S/4HANA can help you streamline business processes and make your planning smoother.

Managing vast amounts of data

As a large enterprise, you generate substantial amounts of data on a given business day. Therefore, a lot of it is essential to drive the growth of your organization.

With the help of in-memory computing, this business suite stores the data in compressed form in the RAM. As a result, it can access the data faster and compute with greater agility. In addition, it ensures all the data is consumed and converted into valuable insights that can help with rapid decision making.

Eventually, these data handling and storage capabilities have accelerated business processes, and it has also helped enhance the Machine Learning capabilities, which ultimately translate into better process outcomes and enriched customer experiences.

Driving cost leadership

When people think of SAP, they start calculating the costs immediately. However, SAP S/4HANA tends to leverage your existing hardware and infrastructure to create a custom solution for your business.

It is easier to access the platform and optimize it, which results in reduced administrative and development costs. With the use-based inclusions, you can reduce your expenses by choosing the apt solutions for your business.

Delivering high productivity with SAP Fiori

The new SAP Fiori-based interfaces have enhanced the overall experience of the customers using the SAP platforms. As a result, it has led to better productivity and faster processes.

SAP Fiori has enabled intuitive menus and tile-based interfaces along with fewer click options. As a result, you will notice a subsequent reduction in the time taken to complete a task. The processing time has also gone down after the switch to SAP Fiori from SAP GUI, and screen switching has also gone down from eight to two with SAP Fiori.

Ensuring seamless workflows

Your organization can work seamlessly and in real-time by leveraging the capabilities of SAP S/4HANA, breaking the information silos across departments. As a result, data loading and accessing time are reduced substantially, and process owners can access the insights in real-time, accelerating business decisions.

As a result, you can capitalize on the opportunities and overcome hardships in the organizations for better outcomes.

Simplifying usage

With SAP S/4HANA, you get a more simplified and operational system in place. Many processes or in-system infrastructure present in the earlier systems were removed and modified to improve processing time.

As a result, the system response time has dramatically increased, with you needing to key in fewer queries to get your desired results. The real-time insights, better processes, and faster outcomes have enabled organizations to spend time in core business-related roles.


Owing to its data handling capability and simplicity, SAP S/4HANA is one of the most preferred solutions by enterprises. It helps remove data redundancy, optimize the processes and manage hardware/software specific to the businesses.

If you plan to invest in post-modern ERP capabilities and migrate into SAP S/4HANA, our team of SAP consultants and business process experts at Percipere is eager to help you with the transition.


Author: Percipere

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